Youth Pathfinder Adventurer

Adventist Youth Ministry

The story of the Adventist Youth Society, now titled Young Adults (YA), began over 125 years ago along a dusty country lane in Michigan with two young boys kneeling in prayer. Today that dusty lane has become a world-wide web of highways that links over 10 million Seventh-day Adventist young people in nearly every political entity on every continent of the globe. This story comes in every hue of the rainbow; it is filled with extremes of exhilaration and mountaintop experiences, as well as deep sadness and unfulfilled dreams. This is the story of God’s leading a fascinating army down through the battles of the great over arching conflict that is life as we know it now.


The Pathfinder Club, or simply Pathfinders, is a department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which works specifically with the cultural, social and religious education of children and teens. Boys and Girls 10 years and up are members of the club all over the world

Youth Report Quarter 1

Brief Summary of our youth Report for quarter 1

Youth Report

Published 29 May 2023

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More than one million kids around the world have discovered one of the most fun clubs ever created for them. The Adventurer Club is designed to strengthen parent-child relationships for kids ages 4-9 by providing specialized weekly activities tuned into the psychological needs of this age group while simultaneously giving parents opportunities for learning parenting skills and enjoying special activities with their children.